Sapashini Regrets Releasing A Video Unannounced.

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Sapashini Regrets Releasing A Video Unannounced.

Sapashini, a talented songwriter and stage performer inside  Gambaga in the Northeast region, recently delighted music enthus!asts with the official release of his music video, "Hey Maa," on his YouTube channel.

 In a candid announcement, he expressed regret for not unveiling the song as planned due to an administrative error. The mishap occurred when his YouTube administrator mistakenly uploaded the video instead of scheduling it for a premiere. 

Despite this unexpected twist, Sapashini chose not to delete the video after realizing it had already garnered significant views. Instead, he embraced the situation, urging fans to enjoy the video and actively participate in its promotion. 

His commitment to his audience shone through as he vowed to prevent such incidents in the future. Sapashini's resilience in the face of unexpected challenges reflects his dedication to providing quality content for his music-loving community.

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