Breaking News: Fadlan and Parent$ Got A Tragic Car Acc!dent.

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Breaking News: Fadlan and Family!ly Got A Tragic Car Acc!dent.

Fadlan, a young rapper from Tamale, whose recent concert at the Tamale Sports Stadium marked a high esteem in his career, faced a tragic!c turn of events on his journey from Tamale to Yendi for a funeral yesterday. The artist, known for his rapid rise in the music scene, was traveling with his family in the personal car he purchased two years ago after a triumphant album launch at the same sports stadium.

Tragedy struck when the vehicle was involved in a devastating!ng Acc!dent. Fortunately, Fadlan was unh@rmed, but his f@ther wasn't as fortun@te, sustaining !njury!es that requ!red !mmedi@te medic@l attention. The incident has left the local community in sh0ck and concern for the rapper's fam!ly.


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